AIB briefed Real Nation to develop a new schools programme that would build on their previous educational offerings and legacy of supporting post primary schools since 2002.
Working closely with AIB, Real Nation developed an exciting new interdisciplinary ‘Life Skills’ programme for all year groups. The purpose of the programme is to encourage the development of key life skills through a student’s significant life moments and transitions.
Real Nation established the overall programme framework and brought on board a working group of subject specialist teachers to collaborate on producing 190 educational resources that would resonate deeply with targeted teachers.
Our overarching aim was to ensure that the programme fits in seamlessly with the curriculum, maps onto current key skills frameworks, and provides valuable educational resources; ‘Joining the dots for young people in a cohesive manner’.
We knew that a move towards skills-based learning, especially with the introduction of the Framework for Junior Cycle in 2015, and an emphasis on ‘life skills’ in the ongoing Senior Cycle Framework would be welcomed, however we were overwhelmed that more than 490 schools quickly signed up in the first month since we launched in September 2021.
As the programme evolves, schools are encouraged to share their learnings as communities of best practice. We want to ensure that the good work done by teachers is seen and recognised, and will reward schools who share their input and expertise.
We will encourage AIB’s Industry partners to become involved and to share their stories and learning tools too, to further strengthen skills-based learning for young people in Ireland.
The AIB Future Sparks Programme is already the largest Schools’ programme in Ireland and will continue to emphasise the importance of building the community together.