Food Dudes

Bord Bia & The Department of Agriculture.

The Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme is designed to change children’s attitudes towards consumption of fruit and vegetables. Upon winning the tender in 2005, Real Nation scaled the initial experimental model into a fully workable programme within the Irish Educational System. 

Client: Bord Bia & The Dept of Agriculture

This model has since won a Best Practice Award by The World Health Organisation Awards in 2006. Based on psychological theories and extensive research using positive role models, peer modelling, positive reinforcement and repeated behaviour, the programme has been proven to effect long lasting changes in attitudes and behaviour.

Real Nation is responsible for the overall coordination of this programme in Ireland, from the initial planning, visits to schools, training for teachers, scheduling deliveries of fruit and vegetables and reward merchandise to schools, on-going hotline support for schools and monthly and yearly reports to Bord Bia. Real Nation’s experience of large-scale logistics coupled with our teaching experience and educational credentials has ensured the smooth running of the programme since its inception. For the academic year 21-22, Real Nation implemented a new evolution of the programme, with a maintenance objective, building on the impact of the intervention.

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